
Directional Energies

Of the Enneagram

The gist of the theory (elaborated here) is that there are 3 Energies:

  • Towards

  • Against

  • Away

Every Enneagram type uses one of these energies in the Short-Term and one of them in the Long-Term.

The Short-Term energies are “strategies” for interacting with the world are:

  • Embracing (towards)

  • Confronting (against)

  • Withdrawing (away)

The Long-Term energies are “goals” for what to achieve in the world:

  • Approval (towards)

  • Power (against)

  • An Ideal (away)

The 3 energies in the short term, mapped onto the 3 energies in the long-term, (3x3) creates the nine (9) Enneagram types!

It may be helpful to note that every person uses every energy to some degree (in both the short and long term). Most people, when asked, have ideals, want power, and want approval. But when it comes down to it, which is the most important, is what the theory proposes contributes to the structure of the Enneagram types.

Have you ever wondered, why the Enneagram has these specific 9 types? 🤔 There are many explanations or “ways to construct” these 9 archetypal defense-mechanism structures, but the most compelling I’ve found is this model of Directional Energy!

This is not a well-known or oft-discussed model, and I believe it warrants much more discourse. I discovered it through an obscure page (here), and discovered it explains much and provides a new lens through which to differentiate and associate the types. For instance, it has helped me differentiate between the 9s and 2s (which both have similar problems with boundary-setting and expressing needs and emotions) by revealing that 2s seek control/power in relationships by being warm to (moving towards) others, while 9s seek to be approved of by moving away (avoiding others but also distancing from themselves). It helps a lot with associations: what’s similar between an 8, 2, and 5? They all seek control, but with very different strategies (2s control relationships by moving towards others, 5 control their environment by moving away from others, and 8s control whatever they can by moving against the world).

If anyone has anyone has thoughts about this theory (or knows of any other resources/discussions about it!) I would LOVE to hear about it! ❣️