Dialectical Needs
The Dialectical Needs Model is a framework for understanding all basic human needs through 3 pairs (dialectics) of contrasting needs. The healthy way to meet any one need is found in the incorporation of its “opposing” need, as the truth of the dialectic is found in a “both and” integration of both sides of the same coin.
This model is useful for reflecting personally on one’s own needs: Which needs have I been focusing the most on? Which needs are most lacking? Every person will have a different appropriate “balance” of the two sides, some people desiring more structure and others more novelty (etc) as every person is unique and finds themselves in different circumstances. Yet both sides must be brought together in some way for one’s needs to be truly fulfilled.
This model is also useful for community builders and policy makers to consider how to better structure a community so that it affords and encourages everyone’s continual fulfillment of their needs.
This model is continually being developed by myself and will be released as a paper or book at some point in the future. I’d love to consider your feedback or insights on this model! Send me a message if you feel so inclined.
The Text
A language for understanding human needs in 3 contrasting pairs.
Security: Safety, Comfort, Certainty, Predictability, Food, Water, Shelter.
(Order) You are taken care of.
Novelty: Thrill, Variety, Adventure, Challenge, Play, Fun, Risk.
(Chaos) You live an exciting life.
Healthy Structure is not pure orderliness or predictability to the extreme. It is a healthy integration of Order and Chaos, meeting our desire for Security and Novelty.
Belonging: Family, Intimacy, Affiliation, Union, Home, Friendship, Love.
(We) You are connected.
Individuality: Identity, Uniqueness, Authenticity, Independence, Solitude, Privacy, Reflection.
(I) You are special.
Healthy Unity is not fusion into the group, but independence with union. It is an integration of Self and Collective, meeting our desire for Belonging and Individuality.
Impact: Productivity, Responsibility, Purpose, Virtue, Vocation, Cause, Service.
(Duty) You are good.
Freedom: No obligation, No pressure, Detachment, Being not doing, Rest, Saying no, Margin.
(Choice) You are unrestricted.
Healthy “Contribution” is not pure productivity and impact. It is an integration of the Duty we have to contribute and the Choice we have to do it – meeting our desire to have Impact and Freedom – to be a good person from authentic interior desire.
The 2 Sides
• Requires effort, cooperation, and self-sacrifice.
• Is often the more difficult side to fulfill, given that it depends upon others/society.
• Gives a sense of meaning to life, yet it only leads to true happiness and flourishing if it “loves” the other side.
• Gives purpose to the other side: Novelty brings its gifts into Structure, Individual authenticity affords true Belonging, and Freedom self-determines in Commitment.
• Pre-exists & is the raw material for the other side.
• Emerges if maintenance is not given to the other side.
• While often easier to obtain, it may take great effort if there is inertia from the other side (internal or societal).
• Able to remedy corruption of the other side (hyper-structure, uniformity, and forced contribution).
• Society/externals can try to strip away this side, but never can really do so (to the extent of the other side).